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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Text Converter Application

convert docMany computer application is can to use as read and write tool as like MS. Word ,Notepad ,PDF ,EditPlus and others ,give easy separately for many computer customers.But from some application that ,there are isn’t recognize one application with other application.The purpose is file is to write on PDF can’t we read with use MS. Word ,like wise on the contrary.In fact like is we know if file with extension .doc (MS. Word) and .pdf (PDF) form majority from kind write application and read is more to use by computer customers.

OK ,no problem ,the solution is can you take is with step use a application is can converting file that so can to recognize and to read by one of text application is you have.The application is you need that called Convert Doc.With using it ,you can with fast change your file .pdf on format .doc with time less then 1 minute ,and you can enjoy your file without there is to change on the content.Although not free program ,but you yet have coportunity for try trial version from this application.For operating this application is very easy.

License :Shareware
OS :Windows


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Anonymous said...

How about docx? it's still work?
Thanks for your information.

Roy D. Slater said...

Hey there, can you advise me on a good docx to pdf converter? I need to find a good one for work, but I'm not sure where to look. Thanks.

Anonymous said...


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